Untitled Maze Project - v1.1 (Easier Update) Changelog

Untitled Maze Project has got its first update! 

v1.1 (Easier Update)

Why is it called "Easier Update"?

A lot of people found this game very confusing and frusturating. So I added markings to the walls. It will make the maze easier to complete. I'll mark the first version of Untitled Maze Project as "Hardcore Version".


- Added markings on the walls
- Improved "Trap" sound effect
- Fixed bug with "Red pyramid power-up deactivate" SFX
- Made UI improvements to "Game Over" screens
- Added "Fall" SFX to some locations
- Fixed bug with dungeon sounds on the final screen

Some screenshots:


UMP v1.1 (Easier Version) 95 MB
Jan 08, 2020

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